Feb 14, 2009

Love is in the Stars !

LOVE is a music that plays through the universe, holding the strings of your heart and filling you with positive energy, letting you tune into your soul... It all is really written in the stars and your soulmate will come along when the time is right, and the planetary positions are aligned accordingly! The journey of our soul on this earth between birth and death moves along a predestined path.

When you look across a room and feel drawn to a stranger, the pull can signal a karmic connection. Feeling attracted to someone without having spoken a word or knowing their likes or dislikes or what we term ‘love at first sight’ is not a myth. It means you’ve known each other at some point across time, in another birth. It also means that there are still unfulfilled desires and emotions left from that past connection.

Not all such connections would necessarily end up in marriage, though. As it’s often said, people may come into our lives for a reason or a season. If you’ve learnt your lessons from each other well, you may progress to the level of marriage in the present lifetime. But, if there are still parts of you that don’t connect, it might require another lifetime before you can be said to ‘complete each other’ as lovers and partners. In fact, patterns can even repeat themselves over several births, forcing you to rough out the tough times, till you finally learn the lesson, paving the way to being reunited.

A soulmate is one who makes you feel complete, fills the gaps in your life and helps you to realise your full potential. Love has the power to give you happiness and pain, grief and joy. Certain individuals that you meet in this life may make you feel complete, fill the gaps in your life and help you realise your full potential. There are others who have swords hidden to hurt you. In both cases, you have to learn to keep the faith. Once the situation gets over, you will awaken to the reason why a particular person was in your life. Accept all the seasons of your heart.
Not many are aware that love can be tracked in your stars. The movement of planets decides where and who your parents, siblings and relatives will be. These planets bring love and soulmates too. Your astrological chart also explains why you’re attracted to certain types of relationships.

In astrology, marriage is considered a partnership, where two souls travel through the journey of life together. The bond is considered sacred.

Astrologically speaking, this year on Valentine’s Day, the moon is in the sign of Libra, the goddess of love. This means a day when love and positive emotions flow, so let your inner light shine!

(from an article by an astrologer)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A very nice post, very thoughtful wriitng.
Beautifully writtena nd you tried to make right connections.

But today I think I m acting more like a critic, go give a read to 'Brida' by Paulo Cehelo. You will feel that it is right. We meet many soul mates in one birth, every person who pulls us is a connection from the past or we make it a connection for the future.
I believe no one person can ever make you complete and the planets and astrology what role they play I am still unsure about it but yeah! I know one thing, Love can't be bound, it flows from one person to another, we meet mainy soul mates while on earth and the connection can be easily felt. The re is a pull, there is energy that flows without even exchanging words at times.

If it is a year of love, Let the energy of Life flow.
I appreciate your writing onm this vast and most misundetood and misinterpreted topic and your efforts are amazing1

very rare people reach to this understanding where u r today. I m glad you made it here.

Keep going!
Good Luck.

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