Nov 17, 2009

Last Day

My email to CSC colleagues :

“Man's feelings are always purest and most glowing in the hour of meeting and of farewell” ~ Jean Paul Richter

Hi ,

Hope you are doing good. I am leaving CSC and wished to say a few things to you before I departed.

I had actually prepared a long farewell speech but considering the time constraints and busy schedules, I'll just buy a little of your time*.

Given a chance, I would come and talk to you and shake hands or share a warm hug before waving off my hands. But if I am unable to cover that distance for any reason, the fact that you are reading this would compensate for it.
You hold a significant influence in whatever part you played in my journey till here , hence I would like to share the customary 'Thank You' note to your 'Order of Appearance' in my life and times at CSC.

YOU @CSC, Blythewood

~ To Team AIG/MIG aka "The Blythewood Braintrust" for giving me tremendous support, opportunities and encouragement.
~ To Traci Warren for all your help and for your continuous confidence and trust in me.
~ To David , my mentor (and buddy) for Rate Revisions , for 'Mustang' and for the 'Little Indian Man':)
~ To Clark Watson (the 'Hero' of New York Disco Villians) for your music, your great review of my book and for everlasting support and friendship.
~ To Zara Rabnawaz , for the 'Sat Sri Akal's , for bringing those Indian Chapattis for me, and your ever warm wishes and blessings.
I will always remember your lovely words when I was leaving Blythewood : "Insha-allah, you will come back again" :(
~ To every CSCIndian I met 'Onsite' , for the wonderful time spent at Windsor Shores and those great trips to the outdoor,exploring America the 'Desi' way.
~ To the people of South Carolina (smiling faces, beautiful places) and neighboring states:)

The entire experience of flying down to America and the incredibly eventful (and life-changing) summer of 2007 in South Carolina, was an inspiration behind writing a book of my memoirs titled "Palmetto Heat". Each one of you , as mentioned above, have had long lasting influences which made this book a souvenir of my American Rendezvous. Your contribution is invaluable.


~ To my Indian teammates (AIG/Safety/Geico) , for giving an opportunity to work in the best company, with the best people and for allowing to be an integral part of all the interesting experiences.I am proud of each one of you for what you are and what you do :)
~ To the members of the 'Golden Hut' trip : It was a wonderful icebreaker for the Noida P&C Group and indeed a memorable trip , I would cherish those 'Golden moments' forever.
~ To the entire FSG group in Noida/Indore/Hyderabad, for sharing your expertise and knowledge .It was a great learning experience working with you.


~ To C3 Community, the social collaboration for the enterprise--linking people to people and people to groups. The network of 90,000+ employees across the globe. Connecting you and me- time zones and distance no longer be barriers. Communicating with you anywhere in the world to share what I know and learn what you know. Collaborating with you on pursuits, proposals, or projects.Right from the "Watercooler' to "Movie Nuts' to 'Everything about Excel', thanks for making it such a powerhouse bringing every brain on this world (within CSC) closer than one could have imagined

~ To you , for joining my group, for those lively discussions and for your friendship.

Interestingly, I could not become a 'Senior 'with my designation in CSC; but courtesy your votes, I did manage to become a 'Senior Collaborator' at C3 :)

A Very Special Thanks...

~ To you with whom I often had lunch, for making it such an interactive 'session' for thought :)
~ To you for sharing your thoughts, opinions,news and views,ideas or materials, for reading my blogs and leaving your comments, for taking out time to see my art and giving me honest feedback, and for just plain listening to me or chatting on 'sametime' for any purpose.

I have tried to capture YOU (and me) in this CSC world and share those moments in this picture. I personally feel its a very colorful collage with such beautiful people sharing space and time with me. Find Yourself :)


You and I will meet again
When we're least expecting it
One day in some far off place
I will recognize your face
I won't say goodbye my friend
For you and I will meet again

Generally in life, 'departures' and 'separations' are quite emotionally overwhelming as well as exhaustive in nature...hence I would refrain from using the word 'good-bye' , 'adieu' 'adios' 'sayonara' , 'alvida' or 'dosvidaniyan'...because I would love to see you again, meet you if I get a chance or just stay in touch.

I have intentionally sent this email to your short id and saved in my contact list so that I can bother you in future :)

My personal email id is : , and I'd look forward to hear from you.

You can find me on Facebook and Orkut and I would love to see you there.

I assume that you already know how terrible a writer and horrible an artist I am (thanks to my numerous 'please see my blog' promotional emails and art links) , but if you sometime feel unoccupied with any unoccupational work , please take a short visit to this spot :

(You can add it to your favorites so that you don't have to fetch for it again :)

This is how far I go. Thanks for your time*

Wishing you a great career at CSC and beyond.



Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again. ~William Shakespeare

* You can log 0.5 hours against etes code :SUMRAN_LWD_17NOV09

1 comment:

Sarabjot said...

awesome ! :)

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