Dec 14, 2008

If tomorrow never comes....

If tomorrow never comes

Each of us would like to leave behind happy memories. And to work on creating those, we need to start now. Not tomorrow. Not even a minute later. Now is the moment.

It’s true that nobody can ever be adequately prepared for the final reckoning. Well, not unless you have lived a rather full and fulfilling life that has taken you well into old age. Maybe then. Or, maybe not even then.

In the blinking of an eye, so many lives ended and many more changed forever. In the words of psychiatrist Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, “It’s only when we truly understand that we have limited time on Earth — and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up — that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it were the only one we had.”
If anything, that should be our biggest learning from November 26. If that’s how fragile life is, the only way you can trust your one moment to the other is by having no regrets. Regret is not something any of us would like to exit life with and the best way out of that is to keep the slate clean always.
We would all like to be remembered, but certainly not for the inadequacies or incomplete work we leave behind.
Each of us would like to leave behind happy memories. And to work on creating those, we need to start now. Not tomorrow. Not even a minute later. Now is the moment.
It’s important to ensure that those we love realize the depth of our feelings, those we have harmed know that we regret it and important that we take adequate measures for the protection of those in our care.
Why leave off till tomorrow what you can do today? Why leave it another minute longer to tell your dear ones you love them? Why delay telling a friend how much you
value her?
Why leave off showing your appreciation to a colleague or acquaintance?
Why put off that heartfelt apology till it may be too late?
So if you’re waiting for tomorrow, why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes, you’ll surely regret the day,
That you didn’t take that extra time for a smile, a hug, or a kiss and you were too busy to grant someone, what turned out to be their one last wish.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful thoughts. Great post!

Anonymous said...

Touchy.Teary.Thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

True and indeed, touching.

Anonymous said...

amazing....very..very true....but v people often ignore this
even after knowing these things very well.

Anonymous said...

great thoghts
very true...and ironically most of us know them, but still n the daily humdrum of life, these things somehow get trampled and missed ...but these are the very things that make life worth living...

Sheetal said...

Summary hai Sufi Saint Kabir's most famous doha "Kaal Kare So Aaj Kar, Aaj Kare So Ub
Pal Mein Pralaya Hoyegi, Bahuri Karoge Kub"

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