
The Vision

The story I started writing when I was 13 years old and finsihed when I was 18.

A brief review of the story :

1942 .Undivided Punjab. A young lad of 13 writes a book which predicts India’s freedom and the partition. He becomes a sensation overnight as the book shocks the British Govt. The book is banned and orders are given to arrest the young author who becomes a subject of controversy as his predictions run true. For 5 long years there is a game of hide and seek as Britishers fail to catch him.
And during the partition the boy is lost forever with his sole book in 1947.

The boy’s story becomes a legend thereafter and he is remembered by the world as 20th century ‘s young Nostradamus .

50 years later.1997. As the nation celebrates it 50th freedom anniversary , the original handwritten book is unearthed in a small town in Punjab province of Pakistan. A series of controversies start as the twin nations claim the original masterpiece. And amidst this, one night, the book housed in a Pakistan Museum disappears..What happens next is a sequence of events that chronicle the life of the young author and the mystery behind his accurate predictions, his disappearance and the controversial book .

A tale of epic proportions and a heart clinching end.
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